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WheelBarrow Sled

How thick are the UHMW Skis?

They are 1 inch thick and should last you 1-2 years depending on use. If you ever need more we do sell them on request, just send us an email at [email protected]. Click here to purchase your WheelBarrow Sled!.

Should I use the UHMW Skis?

On grass/turf:. If you're training on grass or turf, remove the UHMW skis with the included Allen Key to make sledding smoother. On concrete:. Metal against concrete is not a pleasant noise! We have pre-installed 1” thick UHMW skis to reduce the nois

Can I use 1-inch Standard-sized weight plates or kettlebells on the WheelBarrow Sled?

The WheelBarrow Sled is only compatible with 2-inch Olympic-sized weight plates. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking here!.

Will the WheelBarrow Sled cause damage to gym flooring?

It is recommended that for indoor gym spaces you remove the UHMW ski's. The UHMW ski's will be compatible with concrete or gravel to reduce noise and protect the base of the sled. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking

Does the WheelBarrow mode support shorter users?

Yes, it does! There are two included positions for the wheel: one for users 5’ and taller and one for those below 5’ tall. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking here!.

Is the WheelBarrow Sled easy to be transported?

Yes. The WheelBarrow mode makes it super easy to transport weights. It also has built-in transport wheels for moving around the gym when you are ready to store your sled. The bonus is that it stores vertically so that even if you have little space yo

Does the WheelBarrow Sled work on gravel?

In WheelBarrow mode it will 100% work on gravel due to the thick, rubber wheel that we include. However, in Sled mode, it will not work. The pebbles or rocks may cause friction. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking he

Can you push high/low with the WheelBarrow Sled?

The Push Post included with the WheelBarrow Sled offers four different pushing positions:. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking here!.

How do I perform sled pulls on the WheelBarrow sled.

Sled Pulls can be performed by attaching the reverse sled strap to the wrap-around rail at the base of the sled. The other end of the sled strap will go around your waist. You will notice that the rail wraps to both ends of the sled. This is to make

Is a sled strap included?

Yes. The Reverse Sled strap is included in your purchase of the WheelBarrow Sled. Here is everything that is included with the WheelBarrow sled:. Jump back to our website to purchase the WheelBarrow Sled by clicking here!.