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Nordic Mini Pro

How is the Nordic Mini Pro Different from the Nordic Mini?

The Nordic Mini Pro is now equipped with dual ankle rollers for added security and comfort above and below the ankle. Allowing you to feel super locked in, and able to embrace the full potential of your hamstrings without having to worry about the st

What is the purpose of the loading bar on the back?

For users over 150 pounds who can perform full reps (both eccentric & explosive concentric reps), it is recommended that you add weight to the loading bar on the back of the Nordic Mini Pro. This will ensure that while doing Nordics the unit does not

Are the ankle rollers adjustable?

Yes. The top ankle roller is adjustable. The Nordic Mini Pro will accommodate US shoe sizes 6-13. Jump back to our website to purchase the Nordic Mini Pro by clicking here!.

Does it support heavy/tall users?

The Nordic Mini Pro supports users up to 300 lbs and 6' 10" tall. Jump back to our website to purchase the Nordic Mini Pro by clicking here!.

Do you have any tips for doing Nordics on the Nordic Mini Pro?

Nordics are an INTENSIVE movement as you've seen firsthand. It's key to properly warm up your hamstrings beforehand. Here is a video on warming up for hamstring curls:. Secondly, you should regress your Nordics to your pain-free level via some form o